Paragraphs and Letters (Collected)

Collected by
BA(Hons) in English (Running)
Bangladesh Islami University

1. My Favorite English Teacher
I always feel a great attraction for English classes. I eagerly wait for the classes. The name of my favourite teacher is Md. Saider who makes the lesson interesting. I enjoy the class because of his presentation. He motivates the students to learn English. He wants us to use our own English. He teaches us vocabulary so that we can speak English fluently. He makes us speak in the class. He feels that we are weak and that is why we seek his help. He tries to develop our skill. He dislikes cramming. He monitors the class regularly. I like him very much for his method of teaching. He takes a lenient view of the mistakes we commit. He expects the students to understand everything. I attend his classes regularly. I also feel joy attending his classes. I always try to be attentive in his classes. If I ever miss his class, I consider it a great loss.
2. A Picnic That I Enjoyed
It was the month of December. My examination was over. I along with my friends decided to go on a picnic. It was a thrilling idea. We all were excited. We decided to go to a tea-garden in Sylhet. The garden was the home land of a friend. It was a short journey. We gathered at our school premises. We started our journey in the morning and reached the garden at about 10.00 a.m. We selected an open space which was shaded by trees. Then we proceeded to make arrangements for cooking our food. We brought all the equipments with us. Rima was in charge of cooking. We all assisted her. It took only two hours to prepare the delicious dishes. After taking our food and making a lot of enjoyments, we decided to return. We talked and danced gaily, we sang merrily, we laughed. In fact, we enjoyed the picnic very much. Before evening we got ready to start back. We also enjoyed on our way back home.
3. My Neighbors
We live in society as we are social beings. I have got different sorts of neighbors. Some are honest and some of them are dishonest. Some neighbors are co-operative while others are self-centered. Co-operative neighbors stand beside our family when ever we are in any problem. But some neighbors hardly react to our activities. One of our neighbors living above our flat is always disturbing us. Most of the time they make unnecessary sounds. In order to maintain good relation we never pretest their activities. But the neighbor living next to our flat is very much considerate and reasonable. They co-operate with us in every respect. We are fortunate enough to have a good soul like our next –door neighbor whom we can rely on in our need. We maintain peace with him and he also helps maintaining peace.
4. If I Win A Lottery
Most of the people of the world get allured by the term ‘lottery’. And I am not an exception. Often I feel tempted to buy lottery tickets. I bought some lottery tickets last year but my luck did not favor me. Even then I like to buy lottery conducted by attracted by a banner which was an advertisement of lottery conducted by Sandhani. So I want to the nearby bank and bought two lottery tickets. Then I started to imagine what I would do of I win forty lacs taka. If I win forty lacs taka at first I will buy whatever my family needs. I will buy a house for my family. Then I will deposit some money with any bank for my future. I know that the remaining amount will not be sufficient for establishing any hospital or educational institutions. So I shall make arrangement foe higher studies of a poor student. Besides this I have long been cherishing the desire to visit some countries like NepalSwitzerland and France. So with the rest of the money I shall travel these countries. Oh! I have forgotten to write one more thing. I will surely buy lots and lots of books also.
5. Our School Canteen
A school canteen is a refreshment center for the students. It is necessary to have a canteen in the school premises. The food and snacks supplied by outside restaurants is usually sub standard and injurious to health. So, students can get hygienic food in the school canteen. Our school canteen is situated in the middle of the school. Students of all classes can go there whenever they need. The canteen is clean and there are a few students who remain in charge of keeping it clean. Some instructive posters are hung on the wall. Snacks of all types are sold here. Even tea, soft drinks are available here. The canteen is favorites to me because I like its clean environment and systematic service. It plays an important role in our school life. Students often discuss topics of their texts over a cup of tea in the school canteen. They also pass their leisure time in the school canteen.
6. A Village Garden
A village garden is a very important garden for a village. A suitable piece of land is needed for a vegetable garden. The piece of land must be sunny. Water must not stand on it during the rainy season. Before planting vegetables the piece of land gas to be prepared well and removed from the soil. In a vegetables garden we can grow all sorts of vegetables in different seasons .vegetables are rich in food value and are essential for our good health .But green, yellow and leafy vegetables are the best source of vitamins and minerals. All sorts of vegetables should be planted in a vegetables garden. A vegetables garden is not very expensive. So every family should have a vegetables garden.
7. A Railway Station
A railway station is a place where different kinds of rails came, stand and start from. A railway station is a crowded and nosy place. Both passengers and coolies remain busy. There may be waiting room for the passengers. When a rail comes, the passengers fall in a long line to get into it. Most of the rail found jam packed. Yet the passengers push one after another to get into it. Hawkers sell better leaf, cigarettes, newspapers, fancy items etc. Book stalls, fruit shops and tea-stall are also found here. Some evil men often flock in the railway station and try to harm the passengers. A railway station however, plays an important role in communication sector of the country.
8. My Mother
My mother’s name is Salma Begum. She is about thirty eight years old. She is a house wife and she works in our house and yard. Every day she looks after our family. She cleans the house and cooks food for us. She looks after the chickens and also sews our clothes. She learns about rules of health and food there. She takes cars of our health and studies. She loves me and my little sister very much. We also love her heartily.
9. My First Day At A New School
My father is a Government employee. Once he was transferred to Khulna from Dhaka. This is why I also had to move there with my family. There I got myself admitted into Khulna Zilla School. But the school was totally unknown to me. I did not know anybody of the school. For this, I felt very nervous at the first day at school. My father took me to the school. At first we met the Headmaster. He was a very nice man. He behaved with me very cordially. He gave me much good advice. He assured me not to be class and introduced me to my classmates. They accepted me very friendly. As a result, I became happy. I cannot forget that day still now.
10. A Postman
A postman is a familiar figure both in the towns and in the village. Even a child can instantly recognize him when he knocks at the door. He brings us news from our near and dear ones living at distant places. He works both in towns and in villages. He usually wears a khaki dress and carries on his soldiers a bag containing stamps, letters, post cards, parcels, money orders etc. though a postman is a low-great employee of the postal department, he performs a responsible job. His daily work begins with the sorting out of letters, parcels, money orders etc. in the post office. After having finished this job in the post office, he goes out on his beat to deliver them to their addressees. A town postman oft en drops letters into letterboxes or pushes them through some opening of the door. A village postman generally goes on his beat twice or thrice a week. He comes to the market place on hat days and delivers letters, parcels, money orders etc. to their respective addressees. A postman is really good man and a good friend to us. He performs his duties honestly and sincerely. He is hailed by every body and hated by one. We should feel for him, show honors to him and do something for his well-being.
11. A Bus Stop
A bus stand is a place where different types of buses come, stop and start from. It is located at the turning of the road or an important place. It is usually built of tin-sheds. It gives services to the passengers. Buses of different routes are always available here. A bus stand always gives a busy and noisy picture. Some passengers get into buses and get down from the buses. Some of them wait for the buses and some of them collect tickets from the counters. The helpers and the conductors shout for the passengers. Hawkers sell betel leaf, cigarettes, newspapers, fancy items etc. Book stalls, tea stalls, fruit shops are also found here. Some evil doers often flock at the bus stand. They try to harm the passengers. So we ought to be aware of them. A bus stand, however, plays an important role in communication sector.
12. A Devastating Flood I Experienced
Bangladesh is a country which experience natural disaster almost every year. I experience various sports of natural disasters in my life as I am a son of this soil. Among all these calamities, the devastating flood in the year of 1988 is still, vivid in my memory. Eight --districts in the south-west of Bangladesh had been inundated seriously. The areas which were inundated had been out of flood. Almost all the trees were uprooted. All kinds of crops were damaged totally giving rise to a serious famine. The people of those districts became home less, shelter less and food less. Though the government and some other non-government organizations extended their helping hands towards the affected people many people died of starvation. There broke out diarrhea in an epidemic from following the food which also tool always many lives. I still get struck with horror when I remember the havoc caused by that food
13. A Stormy Night
A stormy night is really dreadful and horrible. It occurs specially in the month of chaitra and baishakh. In a stormy night the sky is overcast with clouds. The wind blows violently from all directions. Sometimes there is lighting occasionally thunders roar. People shudder in fear. Nature looks very gloomy. There is terrible sound all around. Roofs of houses are blown away. Trees are uprooted. It causes a great loss of life and property. People can not sleep. They utter the name of Allah and recite many lines of the holy Quran. The people of other religion also remember the name of God. However a stormy night is a night of horror and destruction.
14. A Moon Lit Night
A moon-lit-night is a pleasant and enjoyable night to us. Specially, when there is a full moon, the night appears before us with all her magnificent beauty. The moon then looks a disk of dazzling silver. Everything seems to be wrapped in silvery beam of the moon. It bathes the whole earth with her pleasant light. Rivers, canals and ponds seem to laugh in the splendid light of the moon. Everything looks bright. The moon-lit-night has a great influence on the mind of the people of all ages. The little children can hardly think of going to bed without enjoying the night. A newly married couple house and pass some hours outside to enjoy the beauties of the night. Elderly men and women also cannot keep indoors. They gather in the courtyard and pass several hours in gossiping. Poets and lovers of  Nature also f eel a thrill of joy in their hearts. Even the birds and beats come out   leaving their resting places to enjoy the beauty of the night. Of all Nature, a moon-lit- night is, perhaps, the most beautiful and attractive. It keeps away from the dullness of a night and makes us sublime in thoughts and deeds
15. An Honest Man
       It is an abstract idea r to define an honest man. We can only say that an hones t man earns his living by working honest. He is an embodiment of purity and truthfulness. An honest man does not think of doing evil to others nor does he indulge in false pursuits. He never breaks his promise once made. We can differentiate an honest man from a dishonest one by his behavior, dealings and activities towards his follow beings. Lives of all great men remind us that their greatness was due to their honest. An honest man never stoops to any meanness or evil. He is true to his word. He does what says. He never    likes flattery. He sticks to his principles whatever challenge may come. He is a safe custodian of truth and justice. An honest man is usually a virtuous man. He always leads a plain and simple life. There is none but loves and respects him. An honest men is really a pride and glory of a society and a nation. The most honest men we have, the better is for the nation. So all of us should be honest and should follow the principles of honest in our day to day life. But it is a great regret that an honest man is now hardly found in our country and the world at large.
16. The School Magazine
The school magazine is an annual or periodical publication of the school mostly written and contributed by the students. The school magazine plays an important role in school life. It is different from a popular or a literary journal as it contains mainly the articles of the school students. It is usually annual or bi-annual. The editor of the school magazine is a teacher and the assistant editors are always chosen from among the students. The magazine helps the students to express their feelings and thoughts. It stimulates their imagination and develops their creative -powers. Thus it becomes a training ground in literary composition and talent is discovered even in most unexpected quarters. A student feels proud and happy when he finds his writing in print. In fact, the school magazine is the first stepping stone for the future writers. Moreover, it is a link between the past and the present students of the school. The ex-students can rightly remember the school with all the happy memories of their boyhood days when a copy of the school magazine reaches their hands.
17. A Rainy Day
         On a rainy day it rains all day long. A rainy day is dull and gloomy. The sky is overcast with thick clouds. The sky is not seen. None can go out without an umbrella. Water stands on roads and slippery. Those who have officials and other business go out with umbrellas over the head. Shoes in hand clothes folded up to knee. Passersby also move in the same way. Sometimes people slip and fall on the midway. The poor suffer much on a rainy day. They can not go out in quest of work and can not earn their daily food. They pass the day through suffering. Most of the students do not go to the school. Only a few go to school but they get drenched on the way. So classes are not held and it is a day of great joy to them. Other people also stay at home and pass the day without doing any things. The cattle keep standing in their sheds and bellow for fodder. A rainy day is not pleasant at all.
18. A Book Fair
A book fair is an exhibition of books. Different kinds of books by different writers are displayed in it. It is usually arranged by any organization like Bangla Academy or the publishing company. Book exhibitions are usually held in divisional cities as well as zilla towns. Book exhibitions are held on special occasions like 21st February, Pahela Baishakh etc. Different cultural and publishing organizations make stalls to display books published by them for sale as well as making a demand for them. The main purpose is to introduce readers with any newly published books. It usually lasts for a week or a month. It has grown popular with the readers. It has become, in fact, a great attraction for the educated and cultured people. It gives the writer an opportunity to make publicity of their books. It also instills a love of books and develops the habit of buying books.

19. A Beggar
One who begs for alms is called a beggar. The beggar is common sight in Bangladesh. Beggars are different kinds some can walk, some limb, a few move on push carts. Begging is regarded as a serious social problem because it encourages idleness and apathy to work. Many find it easier to work. But majority of the beggars are homeless and hungry. Nobody employs them. The first thing that begging creates in a beggar is the loss of his sense of honour. There is no certainty in a beggar’s life. They do not have any definite place to live in. His home is wherever he sleeps. There are no fixed hours for his work. If the weather is inclement he suffers most. In fact, he is a man without fortune. He looks forward to the days of religious festivals when people are more charitable than other days. Reasons for begging are many. The unemployment problem and poverty are two main reasons. Arrangement should be made to turn them into a working force.

20. Leisure/ Pastime
        Leisure is the time when a man is free from routine work and can do whatever he like best. In a word, it is a temporary relief from the monotonous routine task of our daily life. Village people spend their leisure by flying kites, fishing, playing swimming and gardening. City people spend their leisure by shopping, reading books, watching television, using computer, going park and zoo. The common sports are football, cricket, ha du du, chess etc. and the common pastimes are gossiping listening radio, watching television, reading books and newspapers etc. In late winter, the nature looks very beautiful and the sky remains very clear. Different kinds of flowers are bloomed everywhere. People enjoy it very much. In the late winter, many people travel from one place to another and enjoy the natural beauty. Besides, people enjoy then various kinds of games like badminton, volleyball, dariabandha and ha-du-du etc. Travelling is a good leisure. It refreshes our mind and broadens our outlook. Nevertheless, it is true that travelling is an expensive pastime. As I am a student, I do not get much time for leisure. I spend my leisure by playing cricket and reading novels on holiday, watching television and visiting many nice places. However, leisure should be significant for everyone.

21. A Good Citizen

A good citizen is a blessing to society. He feels that he has certain responsibilities towards the state, just as the state has certain responsibilities towards him. Thus he is aware of both his privileges and his duties. His foremost duty is his loyalty to the country of his birth. It should be dearer to him than all his worldly possessions, and he should always be ready to sacrifice everything for its sake. He should have firm and deep faith in the welfare of his motherland. He has to obey law and order. He has to respect the constitution of his country and to obey its laws. He must be vigilant against the enemies of the country. He must not do something which may help the anti-nationalists or the enemies of the country. He should have no sympathy for law breakers, and he should help the state in their arrest. He must do all he can to make the criminals feel that all respectable people are against them. A good citizen takes intelligent interest in politics, so that he may use his vote for the good of the country and the nation. He is clean in habits and thoughts. He leads a simple life. Odds never damp his courage. He is confident, brave and pure. He is sincere friend of humanity. He treats his
22. My Home Town
The name of my home town is Dinajpur. It is a part of Rangpur Division. It is a district town. Dinajpur is bounded by Thakurgaon and Panchagarh districts in the north, Gaibandha and Joypurhat districts in the south, Nilphamari and Rangpurdistricts in the east, and the state of West BengalIndia in the west. The area of the municipality is 24.20 sq km and its population is 157343. Rajbari, Dinajpur Museum, ramsagar tank, Shapnapuri Theme Park, the tombs of Chehel Gazi and nayabad mosque is are the interesting place. Haji Mohammad DaneshM.Yousuf Ali and Moinuddin Ahmed Chowdhury are the famous people of Dinajpur town.
23. International Mother Language Day
By mother language we mean the language which we learn from our mother after birth. 21 February of the year is celebrated as the International Mother Language Day throughout the world. It is a national holiday in Bangladesh. This day is meant to recognize and uphold the multilingual variety of mother tongues. There is a history behind the observation of the day. On 21st February 1952 some young sons of Bangladesh sacrificed their lives for establishing the rightful place of Bangla. To commemorate their sacrifice this day has been declared by UNESCO as the International Mother Language Day to be observed globally. The declaration of 21 February as the International Mother Language Day is a glowing homage by the international communities to the language martyrs of Bangladesh.
24. Computer
A computer is an electronic machine. It is a wonder of modern science. It has now become an essential part of modern life. A computer is used for storing, organising and finding information. It is also used to do big mathematical calculations, control other machines and whatnot. Any computer has two parts: hardware and software. The mechanical and electronic parts are called hardware. Software refers to the data or programmes. Broadly, hardware includes CPU, Monitor the Key board and the Mouse. These are the main parts of the computer. CPU looks like a box. It has a Mother board, the Chip, the Cards and the Rams in it. Monitor works like a TV screen. It shows whatever the computer is directed to do. Key board is like a typewriter. One can do different things by clicking on the icon with the Mouse. We can communicate with the whole world through the Internet with the help of computers.
25. The Victory Day
'The Victory Day' is observed in our country on the 16th December every year. The day is observed because on this day in 1971 we achieved our independence from Pakistan. We won victory at the cost of a bloody war and Bangladesh came into being and occupied a place in the world map as an independent country. And to commemorate this great victory we observe this day with great solemnity. We remember the mammoth sacrifice of the martyrs who laid down their lives for the country. The day begins with gunshots. The whole country wears a festive look. The national flag is hoisted on the top of each office and house and people from every strata of the society go to the national mausoleum. They offer flowers there as a symbol of profound homage and heartfelt love to the martyrs. This day is a day of great significance for the Bangladeshis. This day reminds us of the sacrifices of our valiant people. It also reminds us of our duty to protect the independence of the country. To me this day is a day of great joy, hope and inspiration. I see this victory as a victory against injustice, tyranny and falsehood. This day will remain evergreen in the heart of each Bangalee.

26. A Hawker
A hawker is a common sight on a street of a city or a town or in a compartment of a train. He carries things sometimes on his head, sometimes in his hands, sometimes in a bag and sometimes in a small hand-cart. He sells various kinds of things including sweets, drinks, books, pens, medicines and what not. He uses various tricks to attract the attention of the buyers. Sometimes he starts singing or even starts acting. Sometimes he is funny and sometimes irritating. He sells things at a cheaper rate than that of the permanent shop-keepers. It is possible as he has not to pay any rent for a shop or salary to salesman. He is, as if, a moving shop and a salesman combined. But it is a pity that he has to do such hard labour for living from hand to mouth.

27.  A Village Fair
A fair is held every year at Krishnanagar on account of Rasjatra. I visited the fair this year. When I reached there, I saw a sea of human heads moving to and for on the fair-ground. There were hundreds of stalls for selling various articles, such as toys, dolls, balloons, ribbons, wooden utensils, earthen pots, house-hold goods, baskets etc. There were a large number of sweet-meat stalls and they tempted the buyers, especially the children more than any other thing. The chief objects of attraction were two circus parties. They beat their drums every now and then to attract the spectators. The people who came to visit the fair came from all ranks of society and were all cald in their gala dress. The life of the villagers is usually dull and monotonous. Once a year the fair breaks the monotony and adds joy to their life. It creates a ripple of joy all around. It is also a meeting ground for the old and the young, the rich and the poor.

28. An Ideal Student
An ideal student is one who is good both in his studies and manners. He is not necessarily a brilliant student. However, he is very much regular and punctual in his studies. He attends his classes regularly and listens to his teachers attentively. He prepares his lesson in time and never leaves it undone. He leads a very disciplined as well as routine life. He gets up early in the morning and attends his lessons carefully. No wonder such a student always does well in the examination. He has some sterling qualities of head and heart. He is polite, modest and well-behaved in his manners. He is again honest, sincere, responsible and respectful to elders. An ideal student also takes part in games and sports. Mentally pure, lofty and noble, such a boy lives a very plain life.
29. Arsenic Problem
Arsenic   problem is a very   familiar matter in Bangladesh. A   chemical element,   arsenic is highly poisonous when found in   an excessive level with water. It causes arsenicosis,   a disease leading to poisoning of the body and black spots. Poisoning by arsenic is a slow process. When people drink water from tubewell containing arsenic, they begin to show symptoms and become unwell. Long-term poisoning might cause also death of the sufferers. People can however, get rid of this disease by drinking water from a source that contain no arsenic. To ensure this, the tubewells should be tested and painted green if safe and red if unsafe. Eating a healthy balanced diet, ideally containing fish and vegetables is also considered an initial treatment for this disease. People can collect rain water and also surface water from ponds and rivers which are free from arsenic.
30. Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a beautiful country which is located in the south East Asia. It is bounded by India on its west, north-west and east, by Myanmar on the south east and by the Bay of Bengal on the south. It achieved its Independence through an armed liberation war of 9 months in 1971. Its capital is Dhaka. The chief religion is Islam and Muslims constitute 80% of the population. Hindus are the largest minority group. There are other religions also. There are considerable numbers of Christians and Buddhists. The common customs and traditions that people follow here include the hospitality, humility, and fellow feelings, the observance of pahela baishakh, the 1st day of Bengali year etc.
The people are simple, sociable and deeply religious. They are very loyal to family ties and respectful towards the seniors and elders. The main tourist spots in Bangladesh include the sea beach of Cox's Bazar, the mangrove of the sundarbans in Khulna, the capital of ancient Bangla, Sonargaon, the Mahasthangarh etc. Bangladesh is unique with the beauties and bounties of Nature. There is no other country in the world which is as beautiful as Bangladesh. We feel proud having born in this beautiful soil.
31. A Day Labourer
A day labourer is one who makes his livelihood by selling physical labour. He is a very familiar and useful person in the society. He performs every household or economic activity. He might cut wood, make furniture, sweeps dirt and rubbish, loads and unloads goods. He might also have to work in the field under the burning sun. He works from morning to evening. Though a labourer works hard, he is often ill-paid. By the day's income, he can't maintain his family well. Besides, he has to go without food sometime when he can't have work. He can't meet the basic needs like cloth, medicine, and education of his family members. Though a day labourer has a difficult day, he is usually free from anxieties and cares.
32. Deforestation
A forest is a large area of land abounding with trees, bushes etc. Deforestation means cutting down of trees on a large scale. Trees are useful to us in many ways. They provide us with food and other products, give us shade and protect us from flood, drought and other natural disasters. We can breathe on earth as the plants exist. If there is no plant, the earth will become lifeless desert. But nowadays, plants are being destroyed at an alarming rate. Man cuts wood to cook food and to make furniture. Besides, he is eager to draw a quick profit from trees. But he is callous to plant and look after new trees. Thus, we are losing our trees and as a result we are heading towards disaster. The government has taken steps to stop deforestation. But the rate of plantation is not satisfactory compared to the rate of deforestation. Moreover, we have to educate our common people and raise consciousness among them to control deforestation.
33. Your Favourite Author/Poet
Rabindranath Tagore is my favourite author. He was born at Jorasanko in Calcutta on the 7th may, 1861. He had no regular school education. But his education was not neglected. Form the very boyhood he began to write poems of great merit and charm. Under the personal care of his father Debendranath Tagare, he gained a deep knowledge in Bengali, Sanskrit and English. He was a versatile genius. He was a poet, a dramatist, a story -writer, a novelist, a critic and an essayist. Some of his best poems are found in the 'Gitanjali', 'Sonar Tari, 'Kheya', 'Kalpana, 'Balaka' etc. For his 'Gitanjali' he got the Nobel Prize in literature in 1913. His novels and plays are of high order. His songs are now very popular in our country. He was a great educationist too. He had his own ideas as to how to educate the children for their all round development. He established a school at Santiniketan and afterwards founded the University of Viswa Bharati. I love him becauses he was a great poet as well as great thinker of international reputation.
34. Your Favourite Hobby
A hobby is a favourite subject which a man follows not because it is his main business but because it gives him pleasure. There are so many fashionable hobbies such as stamp-collecting, coin-collecting, photography etc. But my favourite hobby is gardening. I dig the land, sow the seeds and water the plants it is my garden. It involves hard work but it is not tiresome, because it is loves labour. I can sit for hours in my garden, watching the buds come up, and the brances nodding in the breeze. I feel that the plants and their flowers are no mute insensate things. They have a language of their own which 1 understand. Although a hobby is a source of pleasure, not of profit, my hobby combines the two. My mother looks upon it very kindly, as a part of my garden serves as a kitchen garden. My friends often ask me why I have chosen gardening as my hobby when there are so many fashionable hobbies.
35. Your Favourite Player
My favourite player is Sunil Manohar Gavaskar. He is one of the greatest cricketers of the world and as a batsman he is a class by himself. He is called the 'Little Master' for his short size, and bright performance. He is renowned as the 'record-breaking Gavaskar' as he always lives to enjoy himself in making various new records. He has the records of highest test matches, highest run and so on. The sound technique and temperament which is the key of success of a cricketer is fully present in him. He is regarded as a 'run machine' by the critics of cricket. Most of his strokes are of copy-book style. He surpasses anybody else except Bradman in score and in style of batting'. He gives pleasure and gets pleasure in playing the game. For all these reasons I think him as one of the best gems in the field of the world cricket.
36. Load Shedding
Nowadays load-shedding is almost a daily occurrence in cities and suburbs. There is hardly any area which is not affected by it. Cinema houses, shops, factories, hospitals are fall affected by it. The industrial units are paralyzed for the time being. Production is hampered due to failure of electricity. Even operation stops in hospitals for load shedding. The students close their books and sit idly in darkness. They curse the authorities especially if electricity fails before their examination. In fact, the problem of load-shedding is a great problem of our country. It should not be allowed to continue in the present manner. The whole country is bound to collapse if the present condition of load-shedding is not improved. So the government should think over the matter deeply and take necessary steps to check it as early as possible.

37. Pamela Baishakh
Pahela Balshakh is the first day of Bangla year. It is a part and parcel of Bangla culture. It is a public holiday. The day is celebrated with traditional festivities throughout the country. Traditionally traders and shopkeepers open 'halkhata' and offer sweets to their customers and clients. Different socio-cultural organisations draw up elaborate programmes to celebrate the day. The day's first programme begins at dawn at Ramna Batamul. Various cultural organisations bring out colourful processions carrying festoons, placards, posters, banners etc. to welcome the new year. Again, some cultural institutions hold cultural programmes on their premises. The national dailies bring out special supplements. Radio and Television air special programmes hailing the occasion. The tradition of Pahela Baishakh is said to have begun by the great Mughal Emperor Akbar. No doubt, it symbolizes the national hope and aspiration of a new year.
38. Our School Library
A library is a room or building where we can read various books, journals, periodicals etc. and satisfy our thirst for knowledge. It is an essential element of any educational institution. Our school has a vast library. It is located on the first floor adjacent to the prayer room. It's a big room where books and periodicals are arranged very systematically. The library follows Dewy Decimal System and we can easily locate any book we want. There is an efficient librarian who conducts the library. Each student is issued a library card. He can borrow at best three books at a time and keep them at home for a fortnight. The library remains open from 8 am to 5 pm. A calm and quiet atmosphere prevails in the library. However, the most important aspect of our library is its rare collection in the field of literature. It is a key attraction for all students.
39. A Street Hawker
A street hawker is a very familiar figure in towns. He is usually seen selling different kinds of things on the street. He earns his livelihood by hawking his commodities from street to street. He sells toys, ribbons, cloths, fruits, sweets, vegetables, fancy goods and daily necessaries. He carries them on the head, sometimes in hand, sometimes in a small basket or on shoulder or
40. Traffic Jam
Traffic jam refers to a long line of vehicles on the road leading to serious road block. It is a common picture of the major roads of Bangladesh. It is also seen on the town or even rural roads. There are some causes behind this. Firstly, many drivers are ignorant of traffic rules while some deliberately violate traffic rules. This leads to serious road block. Again, plying of various vehicles, with different velocity causes traffic jam. The vehicles with high speed are sometime blocked by vehicles with less speed. Then traffic jam is largely due to thousands of rickshaws plying on the busy roads. Besides, sometime water clogged in the road leads to traffic jam. Finally, poor driving, reckless parking alongside pavements and unhealthy competition among drivers cause traffic jam. It can be stopped by maintaining traffic rules strongly as well as making drivers conscious about following these rules.
41. Tree Plantation
Tree plantation means afforestation or planting trees more and more. This is a programme taken by the government lo save our environment from desertation. Trees are very useful and necessary for the ecological balance of the environment. Trees give us oxygen without which we can't survive. But this important aspect of our environment is destroyed by the unwise acts of the people. Indiscriminate cutting of trees lead to desertation and barrenness posing a threat for our existence on earth. We should plant more and more trees in order to maintain a harmony between man and nature and also to save our environment. June and July are the proper time for tree plantation. Tree Plantation week is observed every year in the outskirts of towns. Trees can be planted on the banks of ponds, rivers, on both sides of highways and railways, on the banks o dams etc. The government and the public should work together to materialize tree plantation programme. The more we plant trees the more we do good to us.
42. Water Pollution
Water is an important element of our environment. It is called life. When it turns undrinkable and harmful for our existence, we call it polluted. In fact, water is polluted in many ways. Firstly, farmers often use chemical fertilizer and insecticides in the corn fields. They mix with rain and flood water and pollute it. Secondly, mills and factories throw their waste into rivers and canals and pollute it. Thirdly, ignorant people pollute water by throwing human waste and filth from drains and insanitary latrines. By drinking polluted water, we become sick, suffer from fatal diseases and sometime die. Thus we should prevent water from pollution for our own sake. By making people conscious and taking measures water pollution can be reduced to optimum level.
43. A Winter Morning
Winter morning is a morning in the winter season. The sun becomes a late riser. Sunlight falls the dew-drops on the grass and leaves sparkle like pearls. Nature becomes droopy and fogs blanket her. Everything looks hazy. Cold wave runs all over. Life seems very numb. People become very lazy and drowsy and like to remain under blanket. They form the habit of basking in the sun. The villagers and the poor gather straw and burn fires to warm themselves. Winter breakfast has a special attraction and taste. It offers various kinds of pitha, gur, muri, khai, moa etc. Date-juice is the popular drink of the time. The morning spell slowly ends as the sun goes up. The winter morning brings joy as well as distress to us. The haves enjoy it while the have-nots suffer a lot. Despite pains, a winter morning is comfortable and enjoyable.
44. Your School
The name of our school is Dash Mail High School. It is one of the most reputed schools in the district of Panchagarh in North Bengal. It was established in 1987. There are 22 classrooms, a library room, a teacher's room and the Headmaster's room. There is a large playground in our school where the students can play when they get time for that. There are 1000 pupils and 25 teachers in our school. The teachers are well qualified. They teach us properly. They are good and loving. We respect our teachers like our parents. The results of our school are up to the marks. We are proud to be a student such a school of high reputation.

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Part-2 (Letter)
1.  Write a letter to him about your hobby.
2.  Write a letter to your pen friend come to your country and stay with you for
Reserved: Letters
some days.
3. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some money.
4. Write a letter to your friend consoling him for his father’s death.
5. Write a letter to your father informing him about your preparation for
the 1st term examination.
6. Write a letter to your friend describing your aim in life.
7. Write a letter to your friend describing about a village fair that you’ve
8.             Write a letter to your friend inviting her to join a picnic that you’ve
9. Write a letter to your younger brother about the importance of sound
10. Write a letter to your friend to help for setting up an old people’s   home.
11. Write a letter to your father about your preparation for ensuring the SSC
12. Write a letter to your friend invite your elder sister marriage ceremony
13. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant
success in the examination.
14. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for birthday present.
15. Write a letter to your pen friend describing about your country.
16. Write a letter to your pen friend describing the last prize-giving ceremony
of your school.
17. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him not to adopt
unfairmeans in the examination.
18. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you a book.
19. Write a letter to your pen friend describing the food and food habits in
20. Write a letter to your friend telling him how you have spent the summer vacation.
21. Write a letter to your friend describing the importance of learning English.
22. Write a letter to your friend advising him to adjust to the new place
and new food.
23. Write a letter to your friend inviting him in a birthday party in a Chinese
24. Write a letter to your friend describing your experience of taking food
25. Write a letter to your friend describing a street accident.
26. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to read newspaper
27. Write a letter to your friend describing a picnic.
28. Write a letter to your friend describing your experience of a train journey.
29. Write a letter to your friend describing him about a book fair
Down Arrow: PTO 

1.  Write a letter to him about your hobby.
18 August 2013
Valuka, Mymensingh

Dear Sium,                                                                                
At first take my cordial love. I hope you are well. In your letter you wanted to know about my favorite hobby. Here I am writing about it. 
I spend most of my leisure time in gardening. You know gardening is such kind of hobby that keeps our body fit.  I work in my garden when I get time. There are many kinds of flower such as Lily, Rose, Belly and also have vegetables in my garden. I am quite well.
With best regard your parents and love to all.

Your loving friend,
99/9, Motijheel, Dhaka-1000
13 Hashim Road
Agrabad, Chittagong

2. Write a letter to your pen friend come to your country and stay with
you for some days.

18 August 2013
Valuka, Mymensingh

Dear Nobel,
I have received your letter. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I take it that you are going to have a long summer holiday. So I am inviting you come to our country, Bangladesh. In summer, we have plenty of fruits in here. They are various kinds such as mangoes, lichis, jackfruits, blackberries, and a host of others. The rural areas are dotted with green trees, miles and miles of fields covered with green grass. Rivers wind about all over the country. You will really enjoy the countryside.
No more today. I will wait for you.

With best wishes,

3. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some money.

18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

My dear father,
At first take my salam. I hope that you are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. You know that I have been promoted to the next higher class. Our new class has already been started. That’s why I have to buy some new books for the new class. I need some 1500/= taka to buy the books. So please send me as soon as possible.
With best regard your mother and love to younger brother and sister.
Yours affectionately

4. Write a letter to your friend condoling him for his father’s death.

18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

My dear Arif,
I received your letter of the 13th instant in time and had the news of the death of your mother. It seemed to me as a bolt from the blue.
We are deeply grieved to learn that your mother is no more. I never thought that her illness was so serious and I was not at all ready to receive such sad news. So when the news reached me, it came as a shock. I know that you have greatly been shocked at his untimely death. Let me offer my sincerest condolence on this mournful occasion. I can’t but feel as if I had lost a near relation. Man is mortal. So please don’t lose heart. May Allah grant you enough strength to bear this loss manfully.
With best regard your father and love to your younger ones.
Yours ever

5. Write a letter to your father informing him about your preparation for
the 1st term examination.

18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

My dear father,
Your letter is just to hand. You wanted to know how far I have prepared myself for the ensuing 1st term examination. Our examination will begin from the 17th April 2012. You will be glad to know that I have made a fair progress in all the subjects. You know I am weak in mathematics. But under the guidance of a private teacher, I have made better progress in it. I hope I shall get full marks in this subject. I am still working hard. Pray to Allah for my success.
I am well. Convey my Salam to mother and love to the younger.
Your loving daughter

6. Write a letter to your friend describing the aim of your life.
Reserved: Read
18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

Dear Reayad,
Thank you for your letter in which you have wanted to know about my aim in life. In this letter I want to tell you about the aim of my life.
You know that the distressed people of our country die without proper medical care. This is because there is a great shortage of qualified doctors in our village. I have, therefore, made up my mind to be a doctor to serve these unfortunate rural folks. I do not like to earn money to be rich but to live somehow retaining the manner and character unstained.
Please write to me about your aim in life.

Yours ever

7. Write a letter to your friend describing about a village fair that you’ve visited.

18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

Dear Reayad,
At first take my love. Hope that you’re well. Yesterday I’ve received your letter where you wanted to know about a village fair that I’ve visited. Now I am telling you about that exciting matter.
Last month I went to a village fair that held in my own village. It is an annual gathering place of our village people. It is called ‘The poushmela’. In that fair, various sorts of commodities were brought. Things like dolls, ribbons, whistles, fans, magic wires, small looking glasses were bought and sold. There were many forms of entertainment in the fair. Travelling, jatra parties, circus parties and puppet show were the additional attractions of the fair. The village people enjoyed there very much.
That’s all now. Convey my salam to your parents and love to the youngers.

Yours ever
Tansin Khan
8. Write a letter to your friend inviting her to join a picnic that you’ve arranged.
18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

Dear Hamid,
How are you? Surely you are hale and hearty by the grace of almighty Allah. I am also well by his grace. However, you will be glad to know that we have arranged a picnic at Coat Bari, Comilla. It is a historical place. You will find here many old relics and can know the unknown. In fact, you can gather much experience visiting the place. You can also have amusement and amazement attending the picnic. Therefore, you will attend the picnic without fail.
Write to me as early as possible. I am eagerly waiting for your agreement. Wish you good luck.
Yours ever

9. Write a letter to your younger brother about the importance of sound
18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

Dear Hasan,
How do you feel today? I don’t think, you feel well today as you do not follow the rules of health. But I feel fine as I always abide by the rules of health. It is your bounden responsibility to follow the rules of health to keep in good health. To keep in good health, you need to eat a balanced diet & drink clean water, take timely sleep and rest, get up early in the morning, take regular physical exercise, give up bad habits and practice good habits, never take medicine without a physician’s advice. Otherwise you can not preserve your health.
I hope, you will follow the rules of health and keep in safe and sound body.
Yours elderly

10. Write a letter to your friend to help for setting up an old people’s
18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

Dear Osman,
How are you? I am writing to share with you a plan I have. I know some old, physically weak and lonely people in our town. Some of them are quite well-off and some are not. But they all share one common thing that is they live alone and have no one to take care of them in sickness. Sometimes they don’t have anybody to talk to.
I want to set up a home for those people where they would live like a family. We can be also a part of that family. I need your help very urgently. I am sure together we can do a lot.
Write to me soon. I’ll wait eagerly for your reply.
Yours ever

11. Write a letter to your father about your preparation for ensuring the
SSC examination

18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

Dear father,
I received your letter yesterday. I am glad to know that you are well. In this letter you asked me to let you know the preparation of my S.S.C. examination. You will be very glad to know that my preparation is quite satisfactory. I attend the classes regularly. I do not waste time in vain. Our S.S.C. examination is near at hand. I have fully prepared myself for the same. I hope to do well in all the subject. Please pray for me.

No more today. With best regards for you and your mother.

Yours loving son

12. Write a letter to your friend invite your elder sister marriage  ceremony

18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

Dear Sahadat,
I received your letter yesterday. I am glad to know that you are well. Today I shall give you good news. The wedding of my sister comes of on July 18. I invite you to attend the wedding. My parents will be very glad to see you. We shall make funs together. You must come.

No more today. With best regards for you and your parents and younger.

Yours ever

13. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the examination.

18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

Dear Jony,
I received your letter yesterday. My joys knew no bound when I came to know that you succeed G.P.A 5 in the S.S.C.examination. Please accept my heartiest congratulation on your brilliant success. Really we are proud of you. My parents are also very glad to know of your success. I believe you will be able to do the same result in your future exam.

No more today. My best regards to your parents.

Yours ever

14. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for birthday present.
18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

Dear Rony,
I received your letter yesterday. I am glad to know that you are well. I have just received gift. Thank you very much for your birth day present. The wrist- watch you have sent splendid. It is very kind of you to give me such a fine present.

No more today. Hope you are well. My best regards to your parents.

Yours ever

15. Write a letter to your pen friend describing about your country.

18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

Dear Albert,
Thank you for your letter. You wanted to know about my country from me. Now I tell that-
The name of our country is Bangladesh. It became independent in 1971. Dhaka is its capital. Bangladesh is a small country. Its land area is 1,47,570 square kilometers but has a big population. About 140 million people live here. Bangladesh is mainly agricultural country. Its main crops are rice, jute, sugar-cane and tea. Many kinds of fruits also grow here. Jack-fruits, mangoes, bananas pine-apples guavas and water-melons are the most common. There are many big rivers in our country. The Padma , the  Meghna, the Jamuna and the Karnaphuli. We have many interesting place. Many people visit these places every year. In fact I feel proud to have a nice country about Bangladesh.

No more today. With best wishes and love.

Yours ever

16. Write a letter to your pen friend describing the last prize-giving ceremony of your school.

18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

Dear Tuhin,
Thank you for your letter. You wanted to know about the last prize giving ceremony of our school/college. Today I am giving you a short description about it.
It was held on last April in our school compound. We decorated our school building very tastefully. The chief guest arrived just a few minutes before the starting of the programmed. He was given a warm reception. The function began just at 10 a.m. with the recital on from the holy Quran. After reading out the report the headmaster called each recipient by name and the president gave away the prizes. You will be very glad to know that I got two prizes. Finally the president rose to deliver his speech. He gave the students valuable advice. The function ended just at 2 p.m.

No more today. With best wishes and love.

Yours ever

17.  Write a letter to your younger brother advising him not to adopt unfairmeans in the examination.
April 14, 2013

Dear Hasan,
I received your letter yesterday. I am glad to know that your 1st term examination will be held on the 21st instant. Now I am giving you some suggestions about it.
Unfairmeans in the examination is an offence. I do not support unfair means in the examination because it degrades the standard of education. If the students of a country do not acquire true education, there will be no development for the country. An examinee should read seriously so that he can cut a good figure in the examination. I hope that you will never adopt copying in the examination hall.

No more today. With best wishes and love.

Yours ever

18. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you a book.

April 14, 2013

Dear Afsana,
I received your letter yesterday. I am glad to know that you are well. Our first Terminal Examination comes of on July 18. Unfotunately I lost my English Text Book. I shall be grateful to you if you kindly lend me the book for a week. I shall return it in a week.

No more today. With best wish and love.

Yours ever
19. Write a letter to your pen friend describing the food and food habits in Bangladesh.

April 14, 2013

Dear Albert,
Thank you for your letter. You wanted to know about the food and food habits in Bangladesh. Now I am writing you about them.
The food habits of one country differ from that of other countries. The Bangladeshis have special food habits. There are some foods which are favorites to us. The food that comes first is rice. It is our staple food. Another important food is fish and meat. Another food item is “Khichuri” which is liked by all. Besides, the Bangladeshis are fond of different kinds of pithas. Pithas like patisapta, bhapa, chitai are most favorite. These pithas are made on different occasions.

No more today. Please write to me about the food habits in your country.  

Yours ever

20. Write a letter to your friend telling him how you have spent the summer vacation.

April 14, 2013

Dear Raju,
Thank you for your letter. You have wanted to know about the how I have spent my last summer vacation. Now I am writing you about it.
You know that education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can prosper without education. But it is a matter of sorrow that most of the people of our country are illiterate and ignorant. They do not know how to read and write. They have no knowledge of health, family planning and scientific method of cultivation. So I and some of my friends decided that we would remove illiteracy and ignorance from our village. Finally we implemented our plan and spent the whole vacation in teaching the illiterate villagers.

No more today. Please write to me.

Yours ever
21. Write a letter to your friend describing the importance of learning English.

18 August 2013
Motijheel, Dhaka-1000

Dear Joy,
Hope you are well. I have come to know that you are not interested in learning English. It’s very disappointing. Today I tell you about the importance of learning English.
You know that English is an international language. It is the most common medium of co-operation and communication among the nation of the world. If we wish to communicate with the people of other countries, we must know English. It is also necessary for higher education and for a good job. I hope now you can realize the importance of learning English and read it well.

No more today. With best wish and love.

Yours ever

22. Write a letter to your friend advising him to adjust to the new place and new food.

April 14, 2013

Dear Rony,
Thank you for your letter. You have been in England for six months. But you have written me that you are still facing some problems to adjust yourself to the new place and the new food. Today I am giving you some suggestions to overcome your problems.
You should know that England is a wonderful country of the world. You are lucky enough to stay there. It is quite natural that it takes time to get accustomed to a new environment. But you should not forget that nothing is impossible for a man. So with the passage of time you will be able to adjust yourself to the new place and the new food because habit is the second nature of a man. Take everything easily, mix with the new friend and you will find everything ok. Give up worry and think about your better prospect of life.

No more today. Please write to me.

Yours ever

23. Write a letter to your friend inviting him in a birthday party.

April 14, 2013

Dear Tohin,
The coming 18 April is my birthday. You will be very glad to know that a birthday party has been arranged on that occasion at our residence at 6 p.m. Only my cousins and a few friends will join the party. A musical programmed has also been arranged. I shall be very glad if you take part in it with your camera. Please don’t forget to come.
No more today. With best regards for you and your parents and younger.

Yours ever

24. Write a letter to your friend describing your experience of taking food in a Chinese restaurant.

April 14, 2013

Dear Jony,
Hope you are well. Today I shall tell you about my experience of taking food in a Chinese restaurant.
My uncle invited me to have a dinner at a famous Chinese restaurant in Dhaka on the occasion of his marriage day ceremony. The name of the restaurant was Asparagus. It was decorated so colorfully and tastefully that it looked like a dreamland to me. When the food was served on the table, I was surprised to see so many dishes of food items. There were chicken fry, burger, pizza, soup and many other items which were unknown to me. We ate according to our choice. There were waiters to help us. I would never forget the experience.
No more today. With best wishes and love.

Yours ever

25. Write a letter to your friend describing  a street accident.
April 14, 2013

Dear Rumon,
I received your letter yesterday. I am glad to know that you are well. Today I am writing you about a street accident that took place before my eyes.
Once an accident occurred in front of me near my school gate. I had a friend named sumon. He was in class nine. He used to go to school return home alone. One day he was returning from school. He had to cross a busy road. A bus was coming at full spread.  He thought that he would be able to cross the road. But failed. The bus runs over sumon and he died on the spot. The road became red with blood. Our classmates and I was also very much shocked. I could not forget the seen.

No more today. With best wishes and love.

Yours ever

26. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to read
newspaper regularly.

April 14, 2013

Dear Shomrat,
Hope you are well. I have come to know that you are not interested to read newspaper regularly. It is very disappointing.
You should know that the newspaper is a very useful thing. By reading newspaper we can learn language and know the news of games, sports, science and the economic and politicals conditions of different countries. Newspaper is a story house of knowledge. I hope, now you can realize the importance of reading newspaper and read it regularly.

No more today. With best wishes and love.

Yours ever

27. Write a letter to your friend describing a picnic.

April 14, 2013

Dear Faysal,
Thank you for your letter. You wanted to know about the picnic that I enjoyed one week ago. Now I am giving you a short description about it.
Only the students of our class and some teachers took part in it. We went to Cox’s Bazar. The place is very rich in natural scenery. We started our journey at 9 in the morning and reached there within an hour. We had a lot of fun there. We played games and ate plenty of food. We also enjoyed the scenery of nature. I personally enjoyed the bus journey to and from the spot. Really it was a very enjoyable and interesting picnic to me. I shall not forget this picnic.

No more today. With best wishes and love.

Yours ever

28. Write a letter to your friend describing your experience of a train journey.

April 14, 2013

Dear Rony,
Hope you are well. Today I shall tell you about my experience of a train journey which I made a few days ago.
My train journey was form Mymensingh to Dhaka. I bought my ticket from Mymensingh Railway station and got into the train at 8a.m. Lucky I got my seat beside a window. After a few minutes, the guard blew the whistle and the train began to move on. I looked outside through the window. The train was passing through the green fields. Trees and houses seemed to run behind. I saw the farmers working in the field. Cattle were grazing here and there. I also enjoyed the scenary of nature. At last the train reached Dhaka at 3 p.m. It was a very interesting and enjoyable journey. I shall never forget it.

No more today. With best wishes and love.
Yours ever

29. Write a letter to your friend describing him about a book fair

10 August 2013

Dear Sium,
Thank you for your letter. You will be very glad to know that I have visited a book fair at south Badda in Dhaka. It was held on the 26 March. I would like to give you a short description of it.
It has created a sense of interest for books amongst the general mass. In a book fair hundreds of   pavilions are set up. All sorts of books-fictions, text books dramas, children books reference books etc are displayed. There are also food and drink stalls. Both male and female customers gather a book fair. Seminars and cultural programs are also held. A book fair has much educative value.

No more today. With best wishes and love.

Yours ever

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Story List:
1.             Grasp all lose all
2.             Slow and steady always wins the race
3.             An ant and the dove
4.             Unity is strength
5.             Who will bell the cat?
6.             A friend in need is a friend indeed
7.             Where there is a will there is a way
8.             The Judgement of the Cunning Monkey
9.             Honesty is the best policy
10.           Devotion to mother
11.           The King and the Spider
12.           Money Can Never Bring Happiness
13.           The Foolish Crow and the Clever Fox
14.           Grasp All, Lose All
15.           A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing
16.         The Lion and the Mouse                                    

1. Grasp all lose all
Once upon a time there was a farmer who had a wonderful goose. Every morning she laid a golden egg. He used to sell the golden egg to the market. He became rich. But by this time the man became very greedy and impatient to have all the eggs at a time. He wanted to become more and richer. He expressed his desire to his wife. His wife forbade him to do so. But the greedy soul did not pay any heed to his wife. One morning, he killed the goose. He cut the belly open with a sharp knife. But there were no eggs inside. Then the farmer went mad with grief. He hit his forehead with his hand and said, "What have I .done! What have I done! The goose was dead and there would be no more gold eggs. He thought to himself that he would be poor again and learnt a lesson that grasp all lose all.
2. Slow and steady always wins the race
The hare is a swift-footed animal while a tortoise is a slow-going creature. Once the hare laughed at it’s slowly movement. It challenged the tortoise. The tortoise took the challenge. One day a race between them began. The hare ran more quickly and lagged the tortoise far behind. The tortoise ran slowly as it normally did. At the mid-point, the hare stopped and decided to take a rest. Later, it fell asleep. The tortoise continued running and crossed the sleepy bare. Then the hare woke up and looked behind to have a view of the tortoise. Not seeing the tortoise, the hare started running as fast as it could. Meanwhile, the tortoise reached the destination and won the race. The hare's pride went in vain.
3. An ant and the dove
Once upon a time, an ant lived on the bank of a river. One day it suddenly slipped into water. All its efforts to come up failed: Now a dove lived in a tree on the bank not far from the spot. The dove saw the ant struggling in a helpless condition. She was touched with pity. So in order to save it from being drowned, she at once dropped a leaf into the water. The ant got on the leaf and saved itself. A few days later a hunter came there. The ant saw and watched him. He aimed and went to shoot the dove in the tree. As soon as the ant saw this, it bit his foot. The pain caused by the bite disturbed the hunter. He missed his aim and the dove flew off at once. Thus the ant saved the dove that had once saved its life.
4. Unity is strength
Long ago, a farmer lived in a village. He had four sons. They were all grown up. They always quarreled with one another. This made the farmer very unhappy. The farmer forbade them again and again, but they did not listen to him. They did not stop quarrelling. The farmer grew old. He wanted his sons to live in peace. He made a plan. One day he called his sons. They came to him. He told them to bring a bundle of sticks. The old man ordered his oldest son to break it. The eldest son tried but could not break the bundle of sticks. The sons brought a bundle. Then he called his other sons to do so. All of them tried one after another. But they could not break it. Then the old farmer asked them to untie the bundle. He gave his sons one stick each. He ordered each of his sons to break the stick one by one. This time the sons easily broke them all. The old man smiled and said, "You can break the sticks one by one. But you can not break a bundle, learn a lesson from this. If you quarrel with one another, your enemies will defeat you easily. But if you live in peace and remain united, no one will be able to do any harm to you. So you should not quarrel with one another." Then his sons understood the lesson. They promised not to quarrel again. Since then, they were living in peace.
5. Who will bell the cat?
Once some mice were having a good time in a house. The owner of the house was very annoyed at this. So, he brought a cat. The mice were very afraid of the cat. They could not move about freely. At last, they hit upon a plan to get rid of the cat. They sat together in a conference to find out a way to be free from this danger. Several proposals were made but none of the proposals was good enough to accept. At last a young mouse rose to speak before the meeting. He said, "I have a good plan for your consideration. Let us tie a bell round the cat's neck. Then we will hear him coming and be able to hide ourselves in time. Thus we will be free from the cat's threat." All the mice thanked the young mouse for his unique plan. But an old mouse stood up and said, "No doubt, the idea is good. But who will bell the cat?" At this all remain silent because they could realize the danger of implementing the unique plan. There was none to tie the bell round the cat's neck. The mice eventually migrated.
6. A friend in need is a friend indeed
Once there two friends started together through a forest. As they came half of the way through the forest, a bear was seen approaching. Both of them became afraid. They were in a fix what to do. One of them knew how to climb up a tree and so he leaving his friend alone, at once climbed up a tree. The other did not know how to climb a tree. At once he lay down on the ground .He held his breath and lay on the ground like a dead man. He knew that a bear never attack a dead man. The bear came to him and smelt him and took him to be a dead man. Then the bear went away. The friend on the tree came down and asked him what the bear said to him. He said to his friend that the bear advised him to be aware of false friend and not to believe a friend who leaves his friend in danger.

7. Where there is a will there is a way
It was a hot summer day and a crow became very thirsty. It went here and there in search of drinking water but failed. It was about to die but the crow did not lose hope. At last it found a jar and flew down to it with a hope to get water. But it found that the jar had only a little water at the bottom. The crow tried to get at the water with its bill but it failed. It discovered that the water was too low for it to get. So it tried to overturn the jar but the jar was very heavy. He was then about to give up hope but, all on a sudden, it noticed some stones lying near the jar. It took the stones and threw them into the jar one after another. As a result, the water in the jar rose up and at last the crow was able to drink it. Thus the crow succeeded at last.

8. The Judgement of the Cunning Monkey
Once there two rats stole a piece of bread. They tried to divide it into two equal parts but failed. They fought for that. Lastly, they agreed to put up their problem to the monkey. All the animals of the forest knew him as the wiser animal. They went to the monkey and asked him to divide the bread into two equal parts. The monkey told them that it would cost much. The rats agreed to pay the cost. The monkey divided the bread into two unequal parts and put them on the scale. He found that one part was heavier than the other. So he took a bite of the bigger part of the bread and put it back on the scale. Then it grew smaller and the other part was heavier. He again took a bite of the heavier part In this way he went on eating the bread. At last both the parts of the bread became very disappointed. They untidily demanded the rest part from the monkey. The monkey put the rest part of the bread into its mouth and told the rats that his work cost much.
9. Honesty is the best policy
Once lived a woodcutter in a village. One day he was cutting wood near a river. Suddenly, his axe fell into the river. The rived was very deep. The woodcutter did not know how to swim or dive. So, he was sitting there sadly. Then a wonderful thing happened. A beautiful fairy appeared before the woodcutter. The fairy asked him why he was crying. He told her everything. The fairy took pity on him. She dived into the river and came back with a golden axe. She asked the wood cutter if it was his axe. The woodcutter replied in the negative. She then again went into the water and returned with a silver one. This time also the woodcutter refused to take it. Finally she brought the axe of the woodcutter from the water. The woodcutter was delighted to get back his iron axe. The fairy became pleased with the woodcutter at his honesty and gave him the other two valuable axes as reward. Honesty is thus always rewarded.
10. Devotion to mother
Once there was a small boy named Bayazid. His mother was ill. One night he was studying by the side of the bed of his mother. All on a sudden, his mother woke up, raised her head and told her son to give her a glass of water. But there was no water at home. Taking a pitcher Bayazid went to a distant fountain to fetch water. He came back with water and found his mother asleep. He did not awake her. Keeping a glass of water in a hand, he remained standing still beside his mother's bed. He was waiting for his mother's awakening. But she was in sound sleep. When it was dawn Bayazid's mother awoke and instantly discovered her son standing beside her bed with a glass of water in hand. She wondered for a moment. Then she could realize the fact. She could not control her son with deep love and blessed her from the core of her heart.

11. The King and the Spider

There was a good king in Scotland named Robert Bruce. He loved very dearly his country and his subjects. His subjects had a great love and respect for him too. Once his enemies fought against him and drove him away from his kingdom. The king with some of his faithful soldiers and subjects went to a forest and took shelter in an old fort. The king did not sit idle there. He formed an army and attacked his enemies again and again. He attacked his enemies for about seven times. But all the times he was defeated. Being defeated so many times, he became hopeless and decided not to fight any more. One day the king was lying in a cave in a gloomy mood. Suddenly a spider attracted his eyes. It was trying to climb the roof. But jt fell dawn every time. Yet it did not give up its
12. Money Can Never Bring Happiness
Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing. A rich neighbour of his was a banker who one day said to him, "How much a year do you earn?" The cobbler answered, "I never count in this way but what I can tell you now are that I can somehow maintain my family." The banker said, "I am going to end your poverty. Take these gold coins and remove your poverty." The cobbler took the bag full of coin and went to his house. He had never seen so much as a gold coin. He told his wife about the gold coin. His wife was very wise and she kept it as confidential. After a few days, the cobbler sold those gold coins and started to build a palace. Then he left his hut and lived in that palace with his wife. He left his former job and spent his days in leisure. He appointed some servants to take care of his daily chores. But it was a matter of regret that both he and his wife were in trouble. Their happiness faded somehow. They were not mentally happy as they always remained idle. They did not have a sound sleep. They often thought about their wealth and were very tensed to save their wealth. At last the cobbler went to the banker and told him about their present condition. The banker understood him well and advised him to take his former profession. The cobbler decided to do his former job and started doing that. Then he was able to regain his happiness. He could understand that money can never bring happiness.

13. The Foolish Crow and the Clever Fox
There was a crow on a tree with a piece of meat in its beak. A hungry fox sat under the tree. As soon as he saw the crow with the meat in her beak, he felt tempted to have it. The fox was very clever. He hit upon a plan to have it. He said to the crow, "Oh beautiful Crow! Your complexion is so fair. I think you can sing nicely. Would you please sing a song for me?" At first the crow did not want to sing. But as the fox carried on praising her, she felt proud of her tongue. Finally she started to sing a song. But no sooner had she opened her beak than the piece of meat fell off from her beak. The sly fox then and there took it and ran awav. So, we should not believe a flatterer.
14. Grasp All, Lose All
Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a shop. Holding it in his mouth, he was running beside a stream. When the dog was crossing a bridge over the stream, it discovered an image in the water. He saw another dog carrying a piece of meat in its mouth. The dog stopped on the bridge and looked down very carefully. He became greedy to get the other piece of meat. In fact, he saw his own image in the clear water of the stream and he took it for another dog. So, he howled at the image. Instantly the piece of meat fell into the water. The dog jumped after the piece of meat. Alas! He failed to get it. He somehow swam to the other bank of the stream and remained unfed. So should be satisfied what we have.
15. A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing
There lived a man in a village. He had a great attraction to English and so he went to a teacher. The teacher began to teach him, but the man was dull-headed. His teacher tried his best to teach him English but the man could to understand the rules of grammar. However, the teacher released him. The man grasped only three English words. He learned 'yes', 'no' and Very good'. But the man did not know their meaning. He came to his own village and told the villagers that he was well versed in English. He used the three words while speaking with any man. If anybody asked him any question or discussed a thing with him, he would say either 'yes' or 'no' or Very good'. One nigh a theft took place in a house of the village and the police was informed of it. A police officer went to that place for investigation. He asked everybody if he knew anything about the theft. But the villagers told him that they did not know who did it and how. At last the police officer said to the man, "Do you know anything about the theft? I think you have done it." The man then and there said, "Yes." The police officer again inquired, "Have you any objection. We take you under the custody of the police?" He answered, "No." Then the police officer said to him, "We arrest you now." Then the man proudly said, "Very good." Thus he was arrested and put to jail. From the story, noted above we learn the moral that the man with a little learning in English brought ruin on himself. He courts his own disaster.

16. The Lion and the Mouse
Once there a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By chance it ran over the face of the lion. It awoke the lion. At this the lion grew very angry. The lion caught hold the mouse. The mouse was trembling with fear. The lion said, "How did you dare to play on the face?" The mouse begged pardon from the lion. It said, "O my loved, I am quality. Please, set .me free. One day I will do good to you." The lion burst into laughter. It said," O little mouse, how will you do good to me? You are a little creature." However, the lion set the mouse free. Another day, the mouse found that the lion was caught into a trap and it was roaring. The mouse went near the lion and told him not to roar. The mouse cut the net with its sharp teeth and made the lion come out. The lion became ashamed, begged for give ness from the mouse and thanked it.

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